In the industries The Mann Group serves there is often an all or nothing mentality. You are either elite or you are not. Brands find...
Price is an important variable in every shopper’s decision—but how important varies from product to product, category to category, and...
You guys love—looooove—our episodes on compensation (if your listens are any indication, at least). At first, we were struck by the...
Have you ever fired a store? Seriously, have you ever walked into an environment only to promptly walk out, swearing you’ll never return?...
The true realistic runners of the world...
Three weeks ago I decided to join TikTok - which is very out of character for me as I do not have any...
For most of us in this niche of the retail industry, we’re empowered by passion. We love almost every facet of our jobs: the look on a...
Retailers can often find themselves in a vicious negative cycle. Because they can’t find quality employees, they lower the standard and hire...
Napoleon Hill, author of “Think and Grow Rich” developed a brilliant business building idea decades ago. The concept is commonly known...
You can’t deny the facts: women are becoming more and more active. Take cycling, for example: in the 2014 U.S. Bicycling Participation Study,...
For the past few months in this newsletter we’ve been talking in detail about the ideal customer shopping experience in retail. If...
We all like to think our businesses are emotionally compelling and that we get to create experiences for our customers, be that a youngun’s...
“Mindfulness.” That’s the first word Eric Anderson proposes when asked to define customer service. Anderson is owner, along with...
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