Influence: The Most Sought After Leadership Skill communication influencing behavior leadership mann u redfine retail

There are so many puzzle pieces that make up a good leader. From the mundane—like punctuality—to the intricate—like the ability...

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Saucony: How One Brand Decided to Build Trust communication consumer insights customer experience influencing behavior mann u manufacturers redefine retail run

Trust. It’s a tricky noun, one that we have difficulty with as a society, and one that’s particularly and noticeably absent in the...

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Obstacles to Listening communication leadership mann u no excuse zone redefine retail soft skills

In this modern, digital age, listening is quickly becoming a dying art. With our eyes and thumbs constantly distracted by texts, emails, phone...

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Retailer Turned Manufacturer Solving a Simple Solution with High Return bike leadership mann u orbit

Ard Kessels is a man of many definitions. He’s a dual national Dutch-American who lives in Germany. His bike shop, on the other hand, is...

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